Want To Share Your Own Experience?

Join us in the effort to improve the foster care system.

We look forward to hearing what you have to say.


Share Your Perspective!

"What are the positive outcomes of placing youth in kinship care?​​​​​​​"

*Submit your responses by March 26th for a chance to win $50!

Before sharing your story, we encourage you to learn about Strategic Sharing. You can learn more about strategic sharing concepts by downloading our guide.

Each month, we present an opportunity to Share Your Perspective (SYP). These stories are gathered and published in a SYP Paper, which can be a great way to engage and advocate at the local, national and state level.

Families at risk or involved with the child welfare system can use these papers to inform key child welfare stakeholders so they better understand the needs and experiences of families, and can better identify supports to prevent maltreatment and unnecessary foster care entry. SYP papers can also help them identify policy barriers that may prevent families from accessing services they need.